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Massachusetts Charter Schools

Board Governance and Charter Amendments

Board Governance

Notification and Amendments

Use of Board Member Management System

Addition of New Board Members

When a charter school's board of trustees votes to accept new members, and before those individuals may take official action, the following steps must be taken through the Board Member Management System to receive approval of the new members from the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education (Commissioner):

  1. The chairperson of the board, or an individual authorized by the board, must submit a letter to the Department to request approval of the new member(s) from the Commissioner. The letter should include a statement that the charter school's board of trustees voted to accept the new board member(s) at a meeting held in compliance with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law.

  2. A copy of each proposed board member's resume must be submitted along with the letter requesting approval.

  3. New board members must also comply with all legal requirements regarding Open Meeting Law, Conflict of Interest Law, and financial disclosure. Completed disclosure of financial interest forms must be submitted with the letter requesting approval.

Each school has one or more authorized system users with access to the Board Member Management System. Please contact our office directly at 781-338-3227 if your school encounters problems accessing the system.

In the event of a resignation or removal of a trustee, a charter school may have to appoint a new board member unexpectedly. If this occurs, the school should supply the Department with all required information about the new board member as soon as possible. The new board member must wait for approval from the Department before serving.

Note: Board members who have previously been approved by the Commissioner for service on a specific charter school board of trustees do not require Commissioner approval for additional terms of service on the same charter school board of trustees if there is no gap in service between terms. Boards of trustees are required to adhere to the term limits described in their board bylaws.

Schools are required to notify the Department via the Board Member Management System when individuals occupying officer positions change, and when members leave the school's Board of Trustees, whether it is a resignation, the expiration of a term, or a removal.

Last Updated: September 3, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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